Monday, November 17, 2008

Colonial Restaurant

I was having my dinner in Colonial Restaurant which located near my house. so..we decided to have a quick dinner there since i will be having my science today.
i brought science to the restaurant..i thought the food will distract me from doing my test..but i was wrong. the song which was the one who distracted me from doing my will be wondering...ya ya..maybe the rock ones..surprisingly is christmas songs.
i feel so sick of approaching these not because i dont like them..and is because of farewell, be away, be abroad, be flying here then there. ya.,.you might be thinking..after year end we are still friends and we still can meet together. true but only half true. im not. i probably wont be around after beginning of the year already. and it would take me a long time to come back,,, because i can't come back. i m honestly speaking how come im in the service thingy? how they pick? cant they pick those who has under average score in school? cant they be those who never participate in events? cant they be those who i can except the truth that im one of them also? why me? why me? well, i dont wanna talk bout this anyway,, the main reason is that..the time we can spend together is getting lesser and lesser..SPM and stuffs..ahhrr..but one thing..i must do it before moving on and start my life back to the normal is to tell..i love you. (dont ask because no point asking) gonna go now..moral exams. off at 1243.

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