Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa Lucia

came back from dinner..
which at Santa Lucia..great restaurant..
had gran gusta? lol i forgot the name and pasta of course,..
and i had tiramisu for dessert. yea..
utility = 100% =9

counting days and days..
pass away..
i stopped at a spot?
i slow down my pace?
nope..i should walk even faster..
i should live for myself..
i..will only slow down when i think i need to..
you hurt me deep down..
my throat feel so pain whenever i think..
and now..i hate the feeling..
i promised myself should let go if an angel is nearby..
and now i guess is the time..
i should be happy though..
to love a to feel the happiness..
you re happy? everything worth.

xoxo. Kay.

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