is busying..
rushing for the first presentation, wedding cards and invitations,..hmm =)
is fun, work under this amount of pressure..feel good anyhow..
was reflecting myself..
i dont feel like typing the whole grandmother story here though..
you re just like my little sister, the sister that i used to see..
what situation will grow you up? i think im the one who has the problem of not talking too much or disturbance,,..cos i just cant take it..too over..
grow up girl..start thinking a step ahead before anything happen to you..
i dont know if you this call 孤僻? whatever it called..
nobody like that i guess..
i miss my roomie =v=
she is "long gas", she is talking too much sometimes..but i want to talk to her somehow..
and now, i ve realised..
perhaps, getting bigger, thinking perhaps further, nothing stay at the same place..everybody change..i dont want to be like that, but i just cant help..