Sunday, February 28, 2010

我现在想要的,你..给得了我吗? Credit for Jie =D

但日子过去,人长大了,却觉得父母给了我最大最幸福的礼物 - 你,懂吗?你,又有这样的经验吗?
现在,我真的很想回到那充满笑声的小店里,虽然不怎么华丽,但,我很开心。真的,如果我有一天时间能够呆在这无忧无虑的地方,那该是我这年最最最开心的时刻了。姐姐妹妹爸爸妈妈,一家人是最幸福的,如果有机会的话,怎么不珍惜你所有的一切?, 你这样,快乐吗?你的儿子和女儿开心吗?可是我能很肯定地告诉你,我们刘家,一家“七” 口都很开心!(Doggie,Kakak)我好挂住你地啊! but, im not home sick though.
中五的我,总在玩,我爱画画,也因此喜欢上颜色,我花心思布置课室,我花时间在美术课,因为我就喜欢,也在美术课室和她一起设计出天衣无缝,独一无二的杰作. 哈哈,太夸了吧。
每次一回来都会几乎跑到后院去跟它打一打招呼,我的亲爱,米修米修! > < 吃喝玩乐,都有她陪伴的表妹。。别人都说她比我对我妹更要好,也许吧..

过年,人来人往,热闹,人山人海,那全部都已经是两年前的事了。我不喜欢没有过年的过年, 也不喜欢过年就像没过年。我..好想那热闹而熟悉的感觉
这才是最快乐的。Maslow's concept. I need that.
那个再赶工课的我,已经不再坐着同样的地方, 而是在大步地往前走了。

搓汤圆,他们知道吗?“嫁鬼佬? 要三思...”
任影唔nau, that's my home. =D

米修米修!loads love.

Thursday, February 25, 2010



Wednesday, February 24, 2010


finally PPT is ended for stage 1..
p/s : i did the biggest mistake again..argh..
mommy, 你的孩子怎么会那么诚实啊? = ="

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another Sunday

a week has gone will never come back..
there is always something blocking or its just thinking too much and cant take it as something which is not important at all..
why am i caring something or someone who i dont think i deserve anymore?
yea..depress and negative isnt it? i only know how to make this clear and telling my babe that..yea everything will be fine, you can get a better one, you can have better future..stop thinking back..create it on your own..etc etc etc and etc. but what about me?
i lose, i can't.
i should have think it more meaningfully..
but i m afraid its all influenced by surrounding area..
do i really need it now? or i would fall harder perhaps never fade again..
if anyone can tell me...
if anyone can listen to me..
if anyone can understand me..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


is busying..
rushing for the first presentation, wedding cards and invitations,..hmm =)
is fun, work under this amount of pressure..feel good anyhow..
was reflecting myself..
i dont feel like typing the whole grandmother story here though..
you re just like my little sister, the sister that i used to see..
what situation will grow you up? i think im the one who has the problem of not talking too much or disturbance,,..cos i just cant take it..too over..
grow up girl..start thinking a step ahead before anything happen to you..
i dont know if you this call 孤僻? whatever it called..
nobody like that i guess..
i miss my roomie =v=
she is "long gas", she is talking too much sometimes..but i want to talk to her somehow..

and now, i ve realised..
perhaps, getting bigger, thinking perhaps further, nothing stay at the same place..everybody change..i dont want to be like that, but i just cant help..

Saturday, February 13, 2010

新年快乐, 虎年行大运!

Daddy Mommy,
好啦,嘻嘻, 祝你们虎年行大运,身体健康,生意兴隆

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


When the look at your picture once again in that networking..
what i thought and what i felt?
if it was you the day i was in the conference room during internship meeting..
no, it was just illusion i think,
i better get my job done,
and never got into so-called trap again,
if i respect, it will be a part of my journey,
thanks, always be loved.

loves K,

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

> . <''

too busy..
but Chinese New year is around..
how i wish to enjoy my CNY in my hometown..
i miss everyone now..
i miss CNY.
I miss doggie.